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Stiltz home lifts the beste domestic lifts you can ask for. They are the specialist in home lifts. It is a large company which is represented in America and Canada and England which is their home base and now also in the Netherlands.  Furthermore, they have branches all over the world. So you can safely say that Stiltz home lifts is a big player when it comes to home lifts. They provide different sizes of home lifts.

Price-quality matrix

Liftquotes offers consumers and businesses looking for home lifts the opportunity to request multiple quotes at once. As soon as the lift quotes are in, they can be compared on price, execution and quality. Lift companies from all over the world join Liftoffertes. Within the segment of home lifts, lift brands can distinguish themselves in quality, service and price, among other things. Therefore, we have created a matrix of which lift companies deliver the best quality and which lift manufacturers offer the best prices. This so-called price-quality matrix was developed by Liftoffertes themselves. The matrix was developed using results from research and from our own experiences with lift companies.
(See figure 39)

Matrix Stiltz

(figure 39)

Reviews on the internet

Reviews on the internet Stiltz receives 3.1 stars out of 5 on Google. 9 reviewers wrote a review on Stiltz.
Stiltz Reviews Google

Image 40

What determines the price of a Stiltz lift?

There are several factors to consider when buying a new lift. Take a look at the Stiltz Price List according to the following factors. These factors also affect the price of the new lift. There are different types of lifts, think of house lifts, stair lifts and passenger and wheelchair lifts. Each type of lift has its own factors to consider.

What determines the price of a new lift?

Different factors have to be taken into account when purchasing a new lift. These factors also influence the price of the new lift. There are different types of lifts, for example home lifts, stairlift and passengers lifts. Each type of lift has its own factors to take into account.

stairlift (£2,500 - €£0,000)

  • Number of floors
  • Number bends in the stairs
  • Luxe of the stairlift (model type and extra options)

Home lift (£10,000 - £25,000)

Passenger lift (£14,000 - £40,000)

  • The lifting capacity of the lift
  • Number of stops
  • The available space determines the maximum dimensions of a passenger lift
  • Drive
  • Standard or luxury lift
  • Cabin size of the lift


What determines the price of lift maintenance?

When concluding a maintenance contract for your lift you can often choose between different types of contracts. These contract types influence the price of the maintenance contract. In addition to the type of maintenance contract, the intensity of use of the lift and the current state of the lift also influence the price of the maintenance contract. Read more about the important details of a lift maintenance contract. Each lift company has its own contract but often the contracts correspond to each other. Below you will find the most common maintenance contracts in the lift industry.

Standard contract

Standard maintenance is included in this contract such as inspection and cleaning of the lift. Preventive maintenance is also included. In addition, lubricant and small materials are often included in this contract type.

Extended contract

In addition to inspection and cleaning, the extended contract also includes some repairs. We also look at technical problems that might come to light in the future and
they will be remedied. Furthermore, a mechanic will be present to assist during the periodic inspection of the lift.

All-in contract

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Stiltz lifts History

In the year 2010, the two Australians Cameron Gillespie and Lachlan Faulkner moved to the UK to start Stiltz lifts. At the same time, Peter and James Gillespie went to China to set up a factory. That same year, the first Stiltz house lift was sold and the company was a reality. In 2013, in a growing house lift market, they opened a branch in the United States. in the years that followed 2015, several branches were opened in England.  In 2016, new distributors from New Zealand, India and Malaysia were added. in the years 2017 - 2018 and 2019, they further developed the house lifts and even came up with a house lift with a 6-metre travel option so that eigners of homes with extremely high ceilings can also install a lift.


Aesy Lifts goes for fulltime guaranteed service with a 24/7 service line that helps customers with breakdowns and other problems. Service technicians throughout the country are ready to go to the customer. All service and maintenance engineers are internally trained and trained and are available throughout the country.

Active in which region?

Stiltz Home Lifts therefore operates all over the world.

Organization size

Stiltz employs a very large team of up to 3,500 people.


Stiltz's headquarters is England and America and is located at 5, First Avenue Pensnett Estate Kingswinford DY6 in U.K.

Speed response in the event of a failure

24/7 telephone service.

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Get more free and no-obligation quotes for different lift brands here. Want to know more about lifts see topics below.

Comparable brands

Companies that are more or less comparable in terms of service area, great service and prices. - KONE - Lakeman Liften - Möhringer Liften - Otis - Otolift - Schindler 


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