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Lakeman Lifts

We are proud to say that Lakeman is one of our lift partners. Nevertheless, we have tried to put together the following information as objectively as possible.

Specifications and innovation

Over the years, 100-year-old Lakeman has specialized in passenger, goods, container, pallet and small goods lifts. Lakeman also develops self-supporting guidance constructions in which all vertical loads are transferred to the pit bottom. As a result, shaft walls can be of light construction. Lakeman is also innovative with the USD/STD concept; these are lift installations for which no lift pit and/or roof structure is required. Also, the energy-saving 'Blue Modus module' and the option to install a second frequency controller for energy return to the grid which Lakeman offers are innovative. This last option allows all Lakeman lift installations to have energy label A. Lakeman is also developing a very small lift (the LML-XXS) which can be installed in existing buildings with little space, for example in a canal house. The new round hydraulic passenger lift is one of the latest developments. This lift is particularly suitable for wheelchair users.

Price-quality matrix

Liftoffertes offers people, who are looking for a house lift, the possibility to request several quotations at once. Once the quotations have been received they can be compared with each other on price and quality, among other things. Lift companies all over the Netherlands join Liftoffertes. These are both big players and small players within the lift industry. In the field of house lifts, lift companies can distinguish themselves in quality and price, among other things. For this reason, a matrix has been created of which lift companies deliver the best quality and which lift companies offer the cheapest prices. This so-called price-quality matrix has been developed by Liftoffertes itself. The matrix has been developed with results from research and from our own experiences with the companies. (See picture 13)

image 13 matrix with logos of house lift brands
(Image 13)

What determines the price of a new lift?

Different factors have to be taken into account when purchasing a new lift. These factors also influence the price of the new lift. There are different types of lifts, for example, house lifts, stairlift and personal lifts. Each type of lift has its own factors to take into account.

stairlift (€2,500 - €10,000)

  • Number of floors
  • Number bends in the stairs
  • Luxe of the stairlift (model type and extra options)

House lift (€10,000 - €25,000)

Person lift (€18,000 - €40,000)

  • The lifting capacity of the lift
  • Number of stops
  • The available space determines the maximum dimensions of a passenger lift
  • Drive
  • Standard or luxury lift
  • Cabin size of the lift

What determines the price of lift maintenance?

When concluding a maintenance contract for your lift you can often choose between different types of contracts. These contract types influence the price of the maintenance contract. In addition to the type of maintenance contract, the intensity of use of the lift and the current state of the lift also influence the price of the maintenance contract. Read more about the important details of a lift maintenance contract. Each lift company has its own contract but often the contracts correspond to each other. Below you will find the most common maintenance contracts in the lift industry.

Standard contract

Standard maintenance is included in this contract such as inspection and cleaning of the lift. Preventive maintenance is also included. In addition, lubricant and small materials are often included in this contract type.

Extended contract

In addition to inspection and cleaning, the extended contract also includes some repairs. We also look at technical problems that might come to light in the future and
they will be remedied. Furthermore, a mechanic will be present to assist during the periodic inspection of the lift.

All-in contract

All-in contracts often include all costs. The repair costs, for example, are already included. The all-in contract is the most expensive contract there is, but it does cover major repairs and replacements.

Existence history Lakeman Elevators

Johan Lakeman took over the Jac. van de Laan forge in 1911 and developed the company from a forge to a repair shop for agricultural tools and wagons. After his death, his son Jo takes over the company in 1925 and starts the innovation. Jo is an enthusiastic inventor and loves new technology. Under his leadership, the company grew into a factory for agricultural machinery, especially for the ever-increasing bulb production. Goods and passenger lifts were added not much later. The company name then changed to Machinefabriek Lakeman Voorhout (LAVO). After Jo's eldest son Joop took over the factory in 1973, the factory specialized exclusively in lifts. The name then changes to the current name: Liften- en Machinefabriek Lakeman B.V. (LML). The company also establishes itself permanently in Katwijk and further specializes in the manufacture and supply of passenger, goods, container, pallet and small goods lifts. Once started with a maximum of 20 lifts per year and now grown to sixty to seventy lifts per year, Lakeman can be called a solid player on the market. Joop junior has been in charge of Lakeman since 1992 and after more than 100 years it is still a real family business. Over the years, Lakeman has continued to specialize and expand its own service and maintenance organization. Lakeman Liften is also the first in the industry to be certified for the service and maintenance system for lifts, in accordance with the standard NEN-EN 13015. In 2016 Lakeman Liften received the first Lift Institute Safety Award.


Lakeman Liften has its own helpdesk and a 24/7 service department. When renovating or modernizing a lift installation, Lakeman offers its own complete solution (the LML-RENOPAC concept) whereby they offer a free inventory of the existing lift installation. There is also a choice of various standard and personalized service contracts.

Active in which region?

Lakeman is active throughout the Netherlands.

Organization size

Lakeman has 35 employees.


Lakeman Liften is located at Lageweg 8, 2222 AG in Katwijk.

Speed response in the event of a failure

24/7 telephone helpdesk and service department.

Comparable brands

Companies that are more or less comparable in terms of service-area, great service and prices. - AESY Liften - KONE - Möhringer Liften - Otis - Otolift - Schindler - Skylift

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