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The size of a passenger lift?
For buildings with an accessibility factor, specific guidelines apply for the dimensions of the passenger lift. These dimensions are laid down in Article 4.28 of the Buildings Decree. This states that a passenger lift must have a lift cage measuring at least 1.05 by 1.35 metres and must also be wheelchair accessible.
Passenger lifts for more than 6 dwellings.
In the case of passenger lifts in buildings with more than six dwellings, the lift must have a floor area of 1.05 by 2.05 metres. These are also the official requirements for a stretcher lift. If there are several passenger lifts in an apartment building, one stretcher lift is sufficient, provided that the maximum walking distance from home to lift is 90 metres. The extra passenger lifts then only have to meet the minimum requirements of 1.05 metres by 1.35 metres surface area. The walking distance to each lift may never exceed 90 metres from the home to the passenger lift. In the case of a building with more than one dwelling, the passenger lift must be within 90 metres of each dwelling.
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Liftquotes offers you the possibility to request quotations from approved lift suppliers quickly and in one go. We are happy to help you with the search for lift companies offer passenger lifts.
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Request free and without obligation several quotations for a passenger lift. Would you like to know more about lift renovation? Check the topics below.