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What is a home lift without a shaft?
Nowadays, a shaft for a home lift is no longer necessary. The home lift takes up a lot less space and is easy to to install without many structural changes to your home. The home lift without shaft is specifically designed for private use. The simple architectural adjustments to the home, the fact that the lift is sois quiet and its compactness make the shaftless home lift suitable for practically any house.
How exactly does such a home lift work without a shaft?
The home lift without shaft uses a floor hatch construction, which makes the construction of a shaft and a lift pit superfluous. The home lift without shaft is provided with a moving floor plate that closes the opening (opening) in the floor. This means that if the home lift is located on the ground floor, for example, the floor above can be fully utilized because the floor slab has covered the recess, thus keeping the floor intact. The home lift without shaft is therefore an easy and not very invasive installation.
Home lift quotes
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