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How much noise does a home lift make?

A home lift is one installation which of course makes noise. The noise level, however, will not differ much from the existing household appliances, such as the dishwasher and coffee machine.

The following parts of the home lift make noise
  • Switching on the lift
  • Sliding the lift door that opens and closes
  • Zooming up and down
What else affects the noise of a home lift

The extent to which the noise is experienced in daily practice also depends on the location of the home lift in the home . If the home lift is placed in the hallway or in another part of the home that is not often used, the noise level will not play any role except perhaps when you are in the home lift itself.

Noise level

In the lift, however, the buzzing will in principle never exceed a noise level of 47 dB, comparable to a kettle in the heat setting or a rotating dishwasher. In short, the noise level of a home lift is actually negligible in your everyday household.

Home lift quotes

Liftquotes offers you the possibility to request quotations from recognized lift suppliers quickly and in one go. We are happy to help you with the search for a new home lift!

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Request free and without obligation several quotations for Home lifts. Would you like to know more about home lifts? Check the topics below.